Merry Christmas to PC, Stephen and Bondboy!

1. Summary of vocabulary jams this morning and noon:


2. Average number of players playing the game: 10-13 per game. My ID is 12.

3. Interesting: Bondboy Fandashe had many avatars today.

4. I enjoyed playing with PC. PC was top scorer in three of the games. Massachusetts institute of technology. I am coming soon 🙂

5. Dreaming isn’t wrong. It’s an infinite journey. I shall keep trying!

6. Stephen D scored top rank in two games. I couldn’t score a first rank in morning but got first rank in noon.

7. The game with PC, Bondboy and Stephen on Christmas Eve is one of the most memorable moments on since I began playing jams over there. I missed playing with Claire G.

8. A monk wearing glasses appeared just as i picked the key from hanger and started to walk towards library. After greeting him i asked him about his arrival. He needed dried tulsi manjari to make beads for chanting. I couldn’t find those for him. Madam wasn’t here and i asked others who had no idea. He spoke a bit about 9 gates and present state of law. I told him about the tenth gate which he said is locked. I told him it gets opened by Guru’s grace. It’s open for me else I wouldn’t have tasted ambrosia. We had some discussion before i needed to take his leave.

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